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Out-of-School Enrichment Programs



Explore Chinese language and culture through fun approaches.



Encourage students to build friendships across cultures.



Cultivate self-confidence, ignite creativity, and nurture growth.



Emphasize hands-on learning and exposure to a range of subjects.


Core Classes 核心课程

Chinese 中文课

Different levels available


Music 音乐

Chinese instruments, violin, piano


Science 科学

Art 艺术

Crafts 手工

Calligraphy 书法

Tutoring 功课辅导

Weiqi/GO 围棋

Kung Fu 功夫

Little Dragon

Afterschool @Beebe


Saturday Chinese Language School


Little Dragon Summer

Enrichment Program


Little Dragon Afterschool @Beebe 小龙人课后班

Program Highlights 项目亮点

  • Daily Homework Support 每日功课辅导

  • Creative Arts and Cultural Activities 创意艺术与文化活动

  • Electives 选修课程 (Additional fee per course 每门课程额外收费; limited seats 名额有限)

    • Drumming (ages 7+) 鼓 (适合7岁以上学生)

    • Cucurbit flute (a Chinese music instrument) 葫芦丝

    • Weiqi/Go 围棋

Program Schedule 项目时间

2:15-5:30 p.m. on school days 上学日下午2:15至5:30

(Extended time on early release days 若学校提早放学,课后班时间将相应延长)

Student Age 招生年龄

Kindergarten through grade 6 幼儿园至小学6年级

Tuition 学费

$25/Day 天 (We accept voucher 我们接受政府补助券) 

Program Location 项目地点

Beebe School, Malden, MA 02148

Registration for the school year 2023-2024 is now closed. The system will reopen in the summer of 2024 for enrollment in the 2024-2025 school year. 2023-2024 学年的注册现已结束。系统将于 2024 年夏季重新开放,供 2024-2025 学年注册使用。

If you are currently interested in participating in this program, please get in touch with our Program Coordinator, Florence Xia. 如果您目前就有兴趣参加此项目,请与项目协调员Florence Xia联系。
Email 电子邮箱:
Phone 电话: 617-380-9419
Saturday Chinese Language School 周六中文学校

Time 时间

Every Saturday throughout the school year 每周六 (学年期间)

上午 9:00 AM — 下午 1:00 PM

Student Age 招生年龄

Kindergarten through grade 6 幼儿园至小学6年级

(certain classes have specific age requirements 个别课程有特定的年龄要求)

Location 地点

Beebe School, Malden, MA 02148

Click HERE to download our class curriculum

Please note: Members of the Chinese Culture Connection are eligible for reduced tuition fees. If you are interested in becoming a member, please click HERE to learn more. 华夏文化协会的会员将享有学费优惠。如果您有兴趣成为会员,请点击此处了解更多信息。

2024 Little Dragon Summer Enrichment Program 2024年小龙人夏令营

Time 时间

06/24/2024 - 08/02/2024

Monday - Friday 周一至周五上午 8:15 AM - 下午 4:00 PM(Extended Hours 可延长至 4:00-5:00 PM)

Student Age 招生年

Students entering grades K-6 in the fall of 2024


Location 地点

Forestdale School, 74 Sylvan St, Malden, MA 02148

Tuition Chart 学费表

Weekly Sample Schedule 课程表模版

SAMPLE Weekly Schedule.png

If you are interested in enrolling in our 2024 Little Dragon Summer Enrichment Program, please fill out the registration form and return it to our Program Coordinator, Florence Xia. 如果您有兴趣参加2024年小龙人夏令营,请将填写好的报名表发送给项目协调员Florence Xia

Email 电子邮箱:

Phone 电话: 617-380-9419

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