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Image by Osman Rana


华夏文化协会诚邀您參加我们的市政选择公开论坛,与摩顿市分区议员、不分区议员及学校委员会候选人见面。我们将深入探讨每位候选人的背景和政策立场,为您提供全面的了解。如果您居住在马尔登,并且是年满 18 周岁的美国公民,只要您参与 2023 年 11 月 7 日的投票,您就可以对我们城市未来的管理拥有发言权。
Upcoming Events 近期活动
School Committee Forum 学校委员会见面会
Date & Time 时间: Wednesday, 周三, 10/25/2023, 晚 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Location 地点: On Zoom 线上论坛

The school committee is comprised of nine members, with the Mayor acting as the Chairperson and the remaining eight members elected from each of Malden's eight wards. Tasked with the general oversight and management of the Malden Public School system, the School Committee holds office for two-year terms.


Your participation is important to us! We invite you to submit any questions you have for the candidates in advance. You may share your questions with us during registration or send them via email to 您的参与对我们来说非常重要!我们欢迎您提前准备好要向候选人提出的问题。您可以在报名活动时提交给我们,或通过邮件发送至
Previous Events 往期活动
City Councilor Ward Forum 分区市议员 候选人见面会
Date & Time 时间: Wednesday, 周三, 10/04/2023, 晚 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Location 地点: Malden Senior Center 摩顿市老年中心 (7 Washington St, Malden, MA 02148)

The forum focused on candidates for Malden's Ward Councillors. A ward represents a distinct section of the city, and in Malden, there are a total of 8 wards, each further divided into 3 sections. For instance, Ward 1 is subdivided into 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3. It is worth noting that different voting locations may exist for each of these 3 sections within every ward. To determine your specific ward, you can input your address into the following link:

该论坛将关注摩顿市区议员选举。一个选区代表一个城市的不同区域。在摩顿市,共有 8 个选区,每个选区又分为 3 个区域。例如,第1选区分为 1-1、1-2 和 1-3。每个选区内的3个分区都可能存在不同的投票地点。要确定您所在的具体选区,可将您的地址输入以下链接:

City Councilors At-Large Forum 不分区市议员 候选人见面会
Date & Time 时间: Wednesday, 周三, 10/11/2023, 晚 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Location 地点: Malden Senior Center 摩顿市老年中心 (7 Washington St, Malden, MA 02148)

The forum focused on the Malden City Councilor-At-Large position. There are 4 runners for 3 positions. Dante Diserio is running for his first term, while the three previous incumbent Councilors-At-Large, Craig Spadafora (10th term), Karen Colon-Hayes (2nd term), and Carey McDonald (2nd term) are running again.

这个论坛将关注摩顿市的非分区市议员选举,有4位候选人竞争3个职位。Dante Diserio将争取他的首个任期,而现任议员包括第10届的Craig Spadafora、第2届的Karen Colon-Hayes以及第2届的Carey McDonald将再次参选。

Note 附注:

The Malden City Council is the legislative branch of Malden government and consists of 11 members elected by the voters, one elected from each of the 8 wards (Ward Councillors) and 3 elected city-wide (Councillors-at-Large). All terms of office are 2 years. 摩顿市议会是摩顿市政府的立法部门,由11名议员组成,通过选民选举产生。其中包括8名通过选举产生的分区议员 (分别代表摩顿市的8个选区),以及在全市范围内选举产生的3名不分区议员。所有议员任期均为两年。

The Council 摩顿市议会的主要职责为:

  • Sets policy 制定政策

  • Adopts ordinances, orders, and resolutions 通过法令、命令和决议

  • Reviews and approves the City's annual budget 审查和批准城市年度预算

  • Approves or confirms appropriations, appointments, and other matters proposed by the Mayor 批准或确认拨款、任命以及市长提议的其他事项

  • Performs many other legislative-related tasks 执行其他与立法相关的任务

Mailing Address: PO Box 236, Malden, MA 02148

Office Address: 6 Pleasant St., #408, Malden, MA 02148

Office: 781-321-6316 | Little Dragon Afterschool: 617-380-9419


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The Chinese Culture Connection is supported, in part, by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency that promotes excellence, inclusion, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and sciences.

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