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Weekends Classes

Kids Classes

CCC offers a well-rounded day program for learners from 5 to 15 years old, from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Subjects range from Mandarin to math, abacus and English tutoring; from Chinese musical instruments, creative art, to Chinese martial arts to help students learn discipline and develop good character. Saturday classes are only available during the school year. For more information, please contact us at: Phone: 781-321-6316. Email:

Chinese Gongfu I & II/中国武术1 & 2

Introduction to Chinese Martial art for beginners or students with at least one year of classes, ages 5-13, taught by a World...

Bilingual Chinese/双语中文

This class is designed for students both with and without any Chinese learning background...

Chinese Classics/中国经典

Reciting Chinese classics at a very young age is like saving the ancient wisdom in the child’s head. While the memory is strong...

Creative Art 美术

Level I & II: This class is the perfect place for young artists to develop their art skills. No prior experience necessary...

WeiQi (GO)/围棋

Weiqi (Go) has a creativity and constructiveness missing from other games, whose object is to destroy or conquer.

Piano Group Lesson (4-6 Students)/钢琴小班课

Introduction to Piano for beginners, designed to teach the basic fingering techniques, chords, music notes, and practice with...

Piano Private Lesson/钢琴一对一

Introduction to Piano, each lesson is 30 minutes long. As described above, exposing children to music helps develop their...

Violin Group Lesson/小提琴小班课

Introduction to violin (50-minute lesson)- Understanding beat, rhythm and scales, children also learn how to divide, create...

Violin Private Lesson/小提琴一对一

Introduction to violin for beginners (30-minute lesson) – Understanding beat, rhythm, and scales, children also learn how to...


Combined the 3 subjects together for the 3 hours of drilling.

Science tutoring/理科学辅导

Tutoring various levels of science, from homework support to advanced grade level support

English tutoring/英语辅导

Support vocabulary building, composition, reading comprehension and speaking and develop confidence!

Math tutoring/数学辅导

Tutoring various levels of math, from homework support to advanced grade level of drills and practice to increase...

Mommy & Me Chinese/妈妈和我一起学中文

For parents who are interested in bilingual education with their young, this class is tailored just for you.  The classes are...


Full immersion class with Mandarin instruction for learners with some prior Mandarin experience, or who speak...

Adult Classes

CCC offers a well-rounded day program adult, from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Subjects range from Mandarin to English as a Second Language (ESL) for beginners, Advanced English and cultural dialogue, Calligraphy, Chinese Painting to help adults learn discipline and develop good character. Saturday classes are only available during the school year. For more information,please contact us at: Phone: 781-321-6316. Email:

Chinese Painting/国画

This class will focus on learning how to paint birds, plants and flowers to build the dexterity of brush stroke handling...

Mandarin: Beginner to Intermediate/中文

his is an introductory course (beginner level) for learning the basics of Mandarin Chinese. Course will cover pronunciation...

Mandarin: Beginner /中文基础

This is an introductory course (beginner level) for learning the basics of Mandarin Chinese. It will cover pronunciation, tones...


Chinese calligraphy is regarded as the most abstract and sublime art form in Chinese culture. Chinese calligraphy is...




Learn to build vocabulary, create basic sentences and start to carry on a simple conversation with...

Mailing Address: PO Box 236, Malden, MA 02148

Office Address: 6 Pleasant St., #408, Malden, MA 02148

Office: 781-321-6316 | Little Dragon Afterschool: 617-380-9419


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The Chinese Culture Connection is supported, in part, by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency that promotes excellence, inclusion, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and sciences.

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