Bike to the Moon 中秋节特别活动“骑行奔月”
|50 Holden St Malden, MA 02148
Immerse yourself in Chinese traditions, taste moon cakes, take in the natural scenery, and enjoy the ride! 沉浸在中国传统中,品尝月饼,领略自然风光,享受骑行的乐趣!

Time & Location
2023年9月17日 10:00 – GMT-4 14:00
50 Holden St Malden, MA 02148, 50 Holden St, Malden, MA 02148, USA
About the Event
Get ready for a unique experience as we approach the Mid-Autumn Festival. Join the Chinese Culture Connection, Bike to the Sea, and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay for a biking adventure: Bike to the Moon! Immerse yourself in Chinese traditions, taste moon cakes, take in the natural scenery, and enjoy the ride! 中秋佳节即将来临,快来参加华夏文化协会、Bike to the Sea和 Save the Harbor/Save the Bay携手举办的自行车活动: "骑行奔月"。沉浸在中国传统中,品尝月饼,领略自然风光,享受骑行的乐趣!
Date and Time 时间: 09/17/2023 上午10 AM - 下午2 PM
Start 开始 & End 结束 at 地点: 50 Holden St, Malden, MA 02148
Two exciting ride options to choose from! 两种路线供您选择! 1. Family Friendly Ride: 6-mile round trip on a flat bike trail, between Malden and Harmon Park (Salem St @ Walnut St, Revere, MA 02151). 家庭友好路线 (全程6英里): 往返摩顿市和里维尔市Harmon Park (Salem St @ Walnut St, Revere, MA 02151) 之间。
There will be a water station at Harmon Park, as well as delicious mooncakes! We will have fun activities and goodies for kids! 我们将在Harmon Park设置饮水站,提供美味的月饼。孩子们可以参与有趣的儿童活动,获得精美小礼物!
2. Ride to the Beach: 20-mile round trip on bike trails and bike lanes, between Morton City and Nahant Beach. 骑行至海边 (全程20英里):往返摩顿市和Nahant海滩之间。
There will be a water station at Nahant Beach. You will have the opportunity to enjoy spectacular beach views, encounter wildlife, and receive a surprise gift! Nahant海滩将设有饮水站。您将有机会欣赏迷人的海滩风景,观赏各类野生动物,并获得惊喜礼物!
* For a Free BlueBike (For Family-Friendly Ride Only) 如需免费BlueBike (仅提供给家庭友好路线参与者), please contact 请联系