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8th Annual "Thanksgiving"
Ping-Pong Tournament

Location 地点

Malden High School Gym 摩顿高中体育馆

77 Salem Street, Malden, MA 02148

Team Match 团队赛

Saturday, November 19, 2022

8:30 AM. to 5:00 PM.

Single Match 个人赛

Sunday, November 20, 2022

8:30 AM. to 12:00 PM.

The purpose of this annual event aims to promote social and physical activities among the Asian American communities, fostering a more active, and healthier lifestyle. This tournament will encourage intergenerational and cross-cultural interaction and dialogue between Asian immigrants, Americans with Asian heritage, and non-Asian participants, as well as between older and younger generations of ping-pong players.

为了鼓励大家追求健康生活,积极参与社交活动,华夏文化协会将于2022年11月19日及20日在摩顿高中体育馆分别展开第八届“华夏感恩杯”乒乓球比赛的团体赛及个人赛。我们的比赛鼓励跨文化交流,代际沟通,旨在共创文明美好的多元化社区。华夏文化协会和大赛组委会期待在第八届“华夏感恩杯”的赛场上看到您或您所在球队的精彩表现!欢迎社团和热心公益人士提供赞助! 比赛免费对公众开放观看。 请尽早报名参赛,以便安排赛程。

At this event, we will include a walk-in vaccine clinic on Saturday, between 2–5 pm. It is open to the general public, not limited to the players. Whoever gets the first or second dose will receive a gift card. With the new variants continuing to linger, COVID-19 still poses particular risks to some people, especially those who are not vaccinated. The vaccine is the best way to protect ourselves and others from becoming severely sick or hospitalized.

本次活动还将于11月19日 下午2-5点开设新冠疫苗接种站。任何接种第一剂或第二剂的成人或儿童均可获得一张礼卡。接种站开放给公众,不限于参赛者。此外任何参加本次活动者(包括参赛者、观众和教练)都必须进行疫苗接种,或7天内新冠检测阴性证明,并在非比赛时必须佩戴口罩。

Come and Join Us ! 快来参加吧!

The registration fee for team matches is $120 per team (minimum 3 and maximum of 4 people). Registration includes lunch and T-shirts. Prizes for the first, second, and third place winners will be a medal, plus $100, $80, and $50 gift certificates, respectively, for each winning team in each category. The first place of each category will also get a team trophy.


The registration fee for single matches is $50 per person or $30 if one has registered for the team matches. LUNCH on Sunday is NOT INCLUDED. Prizes for the first, second, and third place winners will be a medal, plus $80, $50 and $30 gift certificates, respectively, for each winning individual in each category. The first place in each category will also get an individual trophy.


The deadline for entry registration is October 21, 2022, or when all places are filled, whichever comes first.  Registration after Oct 21 will be $150 for a team and $60 for a single match.

团体赛报名费:每队$120 ,每队(3-4 人)包挂午餐和T恤衫和赢队奖品。团体冠军队获奖杯一座, 前三名获奖队伍,每人均可获得奖牌一枚。另外,每组别前三名分别获得礼卡/券奖励如下:$100, $80, $50。

个人赛每人$50,如同时报名团体赛,可享优惠价$30。(不包括午餐)获奖个人可获得奖杯一座, 前三名每人可获得奖牌一枚。另外,每组别前三名分别获得礼卡/券奖励如下: $80, $50,$30。

Mailing Address: PO Box 236, Malden, MA 02148

Office Address: 6 Pleasant St., #408, Malden, MA 02148

Office: 781-321-6316 | Little Dragon Afterschool: 617-380-9419


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The Chinese Culture Connection is supported, in part, by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency that promotes excellence, inclusion, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and sciences.

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